Meet the Glacier Team

  • Don D'Amico, Founder & CEO

    Don D'Amico is the Founder & CEO of Glacier Network. Don is an industry leader and regular speaker on the topics of data risk and compliance. He connects members of the data community with their peers, regulators, and established and startup firms, with the goal of promoting responsible data use.

    Early in his career, he saw the potential for new business models and technology to solve inefficient legal processes and produce better, more consistent results. Don recently launched Neudata's compliance product, Sentry, which has been adopted by nearly 100 of the world's most sophisticated investment funds. He previously designed contract management software at a top hedge fund to improve vendor procurement.

    Don has represented Fortune 500 technology and media companies and hedge funds as an attorney and compliance officer. He lives in Brooklyn, New York with his partner, Julia, and their beagle, Harper.

  • Gabriel Vanrenen, Advisor

    Gabriel Vanrenen is a serial entrepreneur, advisor and investor. He is the founder of Skimble, developer of the Workout Trainer application with over 30 million downloads and awarded Best Wellness App by Samsung. Prior to that, he founded Flurry, a leading mobile analytics company that was acquired by Yahoo.

    Gabe started his career in Silicon Valley as an early engineer at Wily Technology, which was acquired by Computer Associates.

    He graduated Summa Cum Laude with a BA in Computer Science and a focus on computer security and Italian from Dartmouth College. In his spare time, Gabe enjoys rock climbing and skiing.

  • Stacey Brandenburg, Advisor

    In her practice at ZwillGen PLLC, Stacey Brandenburg advises clients on privacy, data security, and a range of emerging technology and data-related issues. A veteran of the Federal Trade Commission’s Division of Privacy and Identity Protection, Stacey regularly represents companies in FTC investigations involving Section 5 of the FTC Act, endorsement and testimonial guidelines, and the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). She also helps clients navigate State Attorneys General inquiries regarding consumer protection laws, and has favorably negotiated resolutions of these matters.

    Stacey works with ZwillGen’s clients proactively to reduce their regulatory exposure under applicable federal and state privacy, consumer protection, and advertising laws, such as the CCPA. She helps develop thoughtful and workable privacy and security policies, guides implementation, and provides training for employees.

    Having years of experience advising companies regarding access to and use of alternate forms of data, such as webscraping, drone, consumer, and other data, Stacey works closely with ZwillGen’s clients to develop compliance programs that balance legal considerations with business needs. She also assists with due diligence of providers and data sets, reviews agreements, and structures programs to mitigate risk.

    Stacey speaks frequently on data, privacy, and technology issues such as at events hosted by Bloomberg, Quandl, Neudata, Privacy & Security Academy, and Women, Influence & Power In Law (WIPL), and previously taught these issues as an adjunct faculty member at American University’s Washington College of Law.

  • Danny West, Advisor

    Danny manages Two Sigma Investments, LP’s data and engineering legal teams and advises on how to appropriately acquire and leverage data and technology in the financial markets. He is involved in every aspect of the firm’s data onboarding process, including diligencing novel datasets and developing scalable data and privacy-related policies and controls.

    Prior to joining Two Sigma, Danny was assistant general counsel at American International Group, Inc. (AIG), working with the firm’s data and science teams to develop cutting-edge healthcare / financial tools and technologies.